Back button behavior

As a user, I’d like the back arrow to navigate back like in a browser, so I can quickly move between related tickets.

Expected behavior:
Given I’ve just navigated from parent ticket to a child ticket via a checklist, when I complete my edits and tap the back arrow in the upper left of the ticket editor, then I’m taken back to the parent ticket.

Observed behavior:
Given I’ve just navigated from parent ticket to a child ticket via a checklist, when I complete my edits and tap the back arrow in the upper left of the ticket editor, then I’m taken to the workspace containing the child ticket.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your feedback about the confusing behavior of the “back arrow” button. We agree it’s not ideal!

I’d love your quick feedback on a change we’re planning:

  • The current “back arrow” will be removed completely.
  • In its place, there will be new “back” and “forward” buttons in the navbar at the top of the app. Importantly, they’ll operate exactly the same as the native browser back/forward.

So, you’ll be able to pop back from a topic to its parent, or however else you arrived there, as many levels deep as your navigation history goes.

How does that sound to you?

Hi Andrew,

I have become familiar with the links in the header of the ticket that can tame me back to referenced child tickets and that’s very helpful.

Concerning your proposed changes to the back and forward arrows, I think that’s 100% what folks would expect form those UI elements: just like the browser.

Keep up the great work!

Great, thanks Mark!

I’m happy to report that we’ve just released this change.